In which I use neither beads nor string

Sarasota, a resort town, has a measurable tourist season that starts right around early January and lasts through Easter, at which point anyone traveling north on 1-75 will invariably be caught amongst a vast sea of license plates from Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Canada. Consequently, I'm often as busy AFTER Christmas as I am in the days leading up to it, and the deadlines are usually just as tight, as snowbirds who bring their jewelry down here need to have it restored and back on neck or wrist before migrating back north.

And then there's a lull for about a minute, and then I start getting orders for clients who have storefronts in resort towns up north, where their season starts around Memorial Day and finally gasps to a stop with the last hot dog of summer somewhere after Labor Day. And that's where I am right now, working on some designs for late spring and early summer.

Confidentiality prevents me from divulging the details (or posting a picture, drat!) but I am designing a series of chokers that use neither beads nor string but instead rely on memory wire to give them structure and sterling ribbon end clamps to finish them off neatly. What are they made of? Let's just say it's an eminently renewable resource. Want one? Get in touch and I'll refer you to the gallery owner and you can possess one of your very own, wherever you wear it and in whatever season you like.

Alyssa Mandel