Never too early, I suppose

I was just chatting with a jewelry store client and she's already thinking about merchandise for the Christmas season! I thought I was getting a handle on things in a timely fashion by checking out all the new innovations in Halloween candy (have we met? Do you know how much I love Halloween? Yes, I'm that person. And so are my kids - #1 is thinking about his costume already.) I have also lightly considered the Thanksgiving menu, but I have not gotten so far as to consider the winter holidays. Yet.

But maybe you have! What are YOU thinking about for this festive season? Something new to wear to a party? Something to celebrate, something to give, something to cherish and pass on to future generations? Maybe even something you've inherited that needs freshening up. It's not too early to plan for December, so take a peek in your jewelry box and let's talk about what you need (and what you want!)

Alyssa Mandel